Razorbills (Alca torda) are rare visitors to Eastern Egg Rock but are common on some other islands where Project Puffin works, like Seal Island and Matinicus Rock.
Common Murres (Uria aalge) are another type of Auk. They are not found on Eastern Egg Rock but nest on other islands in the Gulf of Maine. At left are some real Common Murres among some decoys set up to attract them.
The Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) is also a member of the Auk Family. It is one of the most common members of the family in Maine.
And last, but never least, is the charming Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica—formerly the Common Puffin). It's cute looks and funny waddle quickly endear it to all visitors to Eastern Egg Rock. Like other members of the Auk Family, it spends a lot of time out to sea, but we are treated to its presence each year when it comes ashore to breed.
Atlantic Puffin
The Atlantic Puffin is a small seabird that lives on the ocean throughout most of the year.
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Visitor Center
The Project Puffin Visitor Center (PPVC) is located at 311 Main Street in downtown Rockland, Maine. The center opened its doors officially on July 1, 2006.