
Arminda Mejia Rebollo 2008 Herz Fellow

Arminda Mejia Rebollo (MEXICO) was the 2008 Herz International Seabird Fellow.

Arminda Mejia Rebollo received her B.Sc. in marine biology from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, where she worked with marine invertebrates. She received her Masters degree in Use, Management and Conservation of the Nature Resources at the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste with cephalopods studies. Since 2004 she has worked full time in the GECI (Grupo de Ecología y Conservacion de Islas) for the conservation of the Northwest Mexican Region islands. Her work includes management of invasive animals (monitoring judas goats and feral cats) and exotic plants in Espiritu Santo Island, eradication of rodents in San Pedro Martir and Farallon de San Ignacio islands, eradication of exotic fauna in Islas Marias. Currently she is working with Maria Felix Lizarraga (2007 Josephine Daneman Herz Fellow) in social attraction techniques applied to marine birds in the San Roque and Asunción Islands of Baja Mexico.

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