Note that there are three categories of publications listed on this page. They include: Peer-reviewed articles, Non-peer-reviewed articles, and Books in Print.
Lu, Y, Roby, D.D., Fan, Z, Chan, S., Lyons, D. E., Chung-Hang, H., Wang, S., Yang, J, Zhou, X, Chen, D., Yuan, H., Chen S., 2020, Creating a conservation network: Restoration of the critically endangered Chinese crested tern using social attraction. Biological Conservation (Vol 248), August 2020. [link]
Depot K.M., Scopel L.C., Kress S.W., Shannon P., Diamond A.W., Elliott K.H., 2020, Atlantic puffin diet reflects haddock and redfish abundance in the Gulf of Maine. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 656:75-87. [link]
Scopel L., Diamond A., Kress S., Shannon P., 2019, Varied breeding responses of seabirds to a regime shift in prey base in the Gulf of Maine. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 626:177-196. [link]
Fayet et al., 2017. Ocean-wide Drivers of Migration Strategies and Their Influence on Population Breeding Performance in a Declining Seabird Current Biology (2017). [link]
Lauren C. Scopel, Antony W. Diamond, Stephen W Kress, Adrian R. Hards, Paula Shannon, 2017. Seabird diets as bioindicators of Atlantic herring recruitment and stock size: a new tool for ecosystem-based fisheries management​ Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 0, 0. [link]
Zhou X. D. Chen, S. W. Kress, S. Chen, 2017. A review of the use of active seabird restoration techniques Biodiversity Science, 25 (4): 364–371. [link]
Kress SW, Shannon P, and O’Neal C. 2016. Recent changes in the diet and survival of Atlantic puffin chicks in the face of climate change and commercial fishing in midcoast Maine, USA. FACETS 1: 27–43. [link]
Jones, H.P. and Kress, S.W. 2012. A Review of the World’s Active Seabird Restoration Projects. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(1):2-9.
Spendelow, J. A., C. S. Mostello, I. C. T. Nisbet, C. S. Hall and L. Welch. 2010. Interregional breeding dispersal of adult Roseate Terns. Waterbirds 33(2): 242-245.
Goodale, W. M., D. C. Evers, S. E. Mierzykowski, A. L. Bond, N. M. Burgess, C. I. Otorowski, L. J. Welch, C. S. Hall, J. C. Ellis, R. B. Allen, A. W. Diamond, S. W. Kress, and R. J. Taylor. 2009. Marine foraging birds as bioindicators of Mercury in the Gulf of Maine. EcoHealth 5 (4): 409-424.
Donehower, C. E. and D. M. Bird. 2009. Nesting habitat use by Common Eiders on Stratton Island, Maine. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121 (3): 493-497.
Devlin , C. M., A. W. Diamond, S. W. Kress, C. S. Hall and L. Welch. 2008. Breeding Dispersal and Survival of Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) nesting in the Gulf of Maine. The Auk 125 (4): 850-858.
Hall, C. Scott and S. W. Kress. 2008. Diet of Nestling Black-crowned Night-Herons nesting in a Maine Seabird colony: Implications for management. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (3) 637-640.
Donehower, C. E. and D. M. Bird. 2008. Gull Predation and Breeding Success of Common Eiders on Stratton Island, Maine. Waterbirds 31 (3):454 -462.
Parker, M.W., S.W. Kress, R.T. Golightly, H. R. Carter, E.B. Parsons, S. E. Schubel, J. A. Boyce, G. J. McChesney and S. M. Wisely. 2007. Assessment of Social Attraction Techniques Used to Restore a Common Murre Colony in Central California. Waterbirds 30(1): 17-28.
Donehower, C. E., D. M. Bird, C. S. Hall, and S. W. Kress. 2007. Effects of gull predation and predator control on tern nesting success at Eastern Egg Rock, Maine. Waterbirds 30(1): 29-39.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, and S.W. Kress. 2006. Surface wear on incoloy and darvic bands applied to Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) adults and chicks. Journal of Field Ornithology 77(2):111-119.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, and S.W. Kress. 2006. Encounter, survival, and movement probabilities from an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) metapopulation. Ecological Monographs 76(1):133-149.
Donehower, C. E. 2006. Likely Predation of Adult Glossy Ibis by Great Black-backed Gulls. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118 (3): 420-422.
Breton, A. R., A. W. Diamond, and S.W. Kress. 2005. Adult survival rates of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) at two colonies in the Gulf of Maine. The Auk 122(3):773-782.
Donehower, C. E. and D. M. Bird. 2005. A method for color-marking birds at resting sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2):204-207.
C. S. Hall and S. W. Kress. 2004. Comparison of Common Tern reproductive performance at four restored colonies along the coast of Maine. Waterbirds 27(4): 424-433.
Hall, C. Scott, S.W. Kress and Curtice R. Griffin. 2000. Composition, spatial and temporal variation in Common and Arctic Tern chick diets in the Gulf of Maine. Waterbirds 23: 430-439.
C.R. Rossell, Hamilton, C.D., L.M. Weber, S.W. Kress. 2000. Chick provisioning by common terns in the southern Gulf of Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:158-160.
Kress, S.W. 1997. Using animal behavior for Conservation: case studies in seabird restoration from the Maine Coast, USA. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 29(1):1-26
Nocera, J. J. and S. W. Kress. 1996. Nocturnal predation on Common Terns by Great Black-backed Gulls. Colonial Waterbirds 19 (2):277-279.
Shealer, D.A. and S.W. Kress. 1994. Post-breeding movements and prey selection of Roseate Terns at Stratton Island, Maine. Journal of Field Ornithology 65(3)349-362.
Podolsky, R. and S.W. Kress.1992. Attraction of the endangered Dark-rumped Petrel to recorded vocalizations in the Galapagos Islands. The Condor 94(2):448-453.
Shealer, D.A. and S.W. Kress. 1991. Nocturnal abandonment response to Black-crowned Night-Heron disturbance in a Common Tern colony. Colonial Waterbirds 14(1): 51-56.
Podolsky, R.H. and S.W. Kress. 1989. Plastic debris incorporated into Double-crested Cormorant nests in the Gulf of Maine. Journal of Field Ornithology 60(2): 248-250.
Podolsky, R.H. and S.W. Kress. 1989. Factors affecting colony formation in Leach's Storm-Petrel. The Auk 106(2): 332-336.
Parnell, J. F., D. G. Ainley, H. Blokpoel, B. Cain, T. W. Custer J. L. Dusi, S. W. Kress, J.A. Kushlan, W. E. Southern, L.E. Stenzel and B.C. Thompson. 1988. The legal basis of colonial waterbird management and Establishment of colonial waterbird colonies in Colonial Waterbird Management. Colonial Waterbirds 11(2): 129-345.
Kress, S.W. and D.N. Nettleship. 1988. Re-establishment of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) at a former breeding site in the Gulf of Maine. Journal of Field Ornithology 59(2): 161-170.
Morse, D.H. and S.W. Kress. 1984. The effect of burrow loss on mate choice in Leach's Storm-Petrel. The Auk 101(1): 158-160.
Kress, S.W. 1983. The use of decoys, sound recordings, and gull control, for re-establishing a tern colony in Maine. Colonial Waterbirds 6: 185-196.
Kress, S.W. 1983 and E.H. Weinstein, and I.C.T. Nisbet. The status of tern populations in northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. Colonial Waterbirds 6: 84-106.
Mierzykowski S.E. 2008. Environmental contaminants in tern eggs from Monomoy NWR and Seal Island NWR. USFWS. Spec. Proj. Rep. FY07-MEFO-6-EC. Maine Field Office. Old Town, ME. 27 pp.
Mierzykowski S.E., L.J. Welch, W. Goodale, D.C. Evers, C.S. Hall, S.W. Kress and R.B. Allen. 2005. Mercury in bird eggs from coastal Maine. USFWS. Spec. Proj. Rep. FY05-MEFO-1-EC. Maine Field Office. Old Town, ME. 14 pp.
Kress, S.W. and C.S. Hall. 2004. Tern Management Handbook - Coastal Northeastern United States and Atlantic Canada. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Hadley, MA.
Lowther, P. E., A. W. Diamond, S. W. Kress, G. J. Robertson, and K. Russell. 2002. Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). In The Birds of North America, No. 709 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. [link]
Kress, S.W. 1998. Applying Research for Effective Management: Case Studies in Seabird Restoration. Pages 141-154. in Avian Conservation J.M. Marzluff and R. Sallabanks (eds.) Island Press. Washington.
Kress, S.W. 1992. From Puffins to Petrels. Pages 14-21. In Living Bird.
Kress, S.W. 1991. A strategy for restoring Common, Arctic and Roseate Terns to historic nesting habitat in the Gulf of Maine. Transactions of the 1991 NE Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Kress, S.W. and G.J. Transue. 1987. Effects of nest destruction for controlling populations of herring and great black-backed gulls. Transactions of the 1987 Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Kress, S.W. 1978. Establishing Atlantic Puffins at a former breeding site. p. 373-377, in Endangered Birds: management techniques for preserving threatened species. (S.A. Temple, ed.). Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison.
Kress, SW, Jackson DZ, 2015. Project Puffin: The Improbable Quest to Bring a Beloved Seabird Back to Egg Rock. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 357pp.
Kress, Stephen W. 2006 The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting Birds: Creating Natural Habitats for Properties Large and Small. Second Edition. Cornell University Press, Ithaca. Paperback.
Kress, Stephen W. 2005 North American Bird Feeder Guide. Dorling Kindersley, New York. Hardcover.
Salmansohn, Pete and Stephen W. Kress. 2003. Saving Birds: Heroes Around the World. Tilbury House Publishers, Gardiner, Maine. 40pp. Hardcover and Paperback.
Kress, Stephen W. 2000 National Audubon Society Birder's Handbook, Dorling Kindersley, New York. Hardcover. 162pp.
Kress, Stephen W., editor, 2000 Hummingbird Gardens: Turning Your Yard into Hummingbird Heaven. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York. 111pp. Paperback.
Kress, Stephen W., editor, 1998. Bird Gardens: Welcoming Wild Birds to Your Yard. New York: Brooklyn Botanic Garden 111pp. Paperback.
Pete Salmansohn and Stephen W. Kress. 1997. Giving Back to the Earth: A teacher's Guide for Project Puffin and other Seabird Studies. Tilbury House Publishers, Gardiner, Maine. 70pp. Paperback.
Kress, Stephen W. and Pete Salmansohn. 1997. Project Puffin: How We Bought Puffins back to Egg Rock. Tilbury Press: Gardiner, Maine. 40pp. Paperback.
Kress, Stephen W. 1995. National Audubon Society Bird Garden New York: Dorling Kindersley. 176pp. Hardcover.
Kress, Stephen W. 1991. Bird Life. Golden Guide Series. Golden Press, New York. 160pp. Paperback.
ALSO SEE: Recommended Reading and Social Attraction Literature.
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The Project Puffin Visitor Center (PPVC) is located at 311 Main Street in downtown Rockland, Maine. The center opened its doors officially on July 1, 2006.