
Our Decoys

Decoys for rare and endangered seabird restoration.
Mad River Decoys Sample Page Photo

The Decoys

Polyethylene decoys have proven particularly useful in the field due to their durablility and light weight. Polyethylene is the familiar plastic used to make milk jugs. Decoys start with a master handcarved from wood or molded from clay. A high temperature mold is made over this master and the decoys are made by rotational or injection molding (see FAQ’s) – NOTE: LINK TO FAQs page. The Rotational molding, done in-house, produces a strong, hollow, lightweight decoy. It takes 45-75 minutes to run a cycle of 2-4 decoys, depending on the size and number being made. Least Tern decoys are made using the injection molding process and are solid. Each decoy “blank” is trimmed, prepped for painting, and hand painted.

Anchoring methods vary by species. Wooden dowels, threaded/bent metal rods, and custom stands are all possibilities. Decoys with 1” holes come with a plastic plug so they can be filled with sand for weight. The table below indicates anchoring methods for each species, and which items are included with decoy purchase. 


Least Tern

Piping and Snowy Plover
¼” Hole for wooden dowel

Sooty Tern

Black Tern

Common Tern

Roseate Tern

Arctic Tern

Bridled Tern

Chinese Crested Tern

Caspian Tern

Black Skimmer

Heerman’s Gull

1” Hole suitable for plastic plug or wooden dowel

Brandt’s Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant

Common Murre

Pigeon Guillemot

Crested Auklet
¼” / 20 Threaded Insert

American Oystercatcher

Black Oystercatcher

Atlantic Puffin


Bent Metal Rod



Masked Booby
Stick Mounts



Masked Booby
Custom Metal Stand

All our decoys are shipped in protective bags that also provide protection during off-season storage. These decoys are durable and stand up well to field use year after year. Many of our decoys have been in service for over 10 years. Typical maintenance includes cleaning at the end of the season and occasional touch-up painting. Some projects have incorporated the painting into an educational program at their local schools.

It Is possible to purchase decoys that are primed and painted their base color. These have been used in school and educational programs as well as by the “do it yourselfer”.

In addition to being used for field research, the decoys also have great decorative appeal, both indoors and outdoors. Decorative models may be found on the Project Puffin Online Store for sale. Several organizations have also used them in successful fundraising efforts.

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