Showing 1–8 of 849 results
Latin: Gavia stellata
Latin: Gavia adamsii
Latin: Oceanites oceanicus
Latin: Pelagodroma marina
Latin: Phaethon lepturus
Latin: Phaethon rubricauda
Latin: Phaethon aethereus
Latin: Sula sula
Showing 1–8 of 274 results
Puffins are members of the Auk or Alcid family, along with other species.
Atlantic Puffins are very social birds. They interact regularly through many behaviors.
Egg Rock Update
Herring Gulls and Great Black-backed Gulls are familiar to anyone who has ever visited the Atlantic Ocean in New England.
A puffin chick is called a puffling
The video clips below are from "Fish Out Of Water".
Puffins are incredible divers and can reach depths of 200 feet on their journeys to look for food.
Roseate, Common and Arctic Terns each have a different nesting habitat.